Day In Belcarra

Jan 14, 2021

This was my first outing since last summer, thanks to my mononucleosis (insert eye roll & me waving my middle finger) and fingers crossed there will be many more on the horizon. I wish I could say I enjoyed every minute of it - but truth be told, when you have debilitating fatigue... enjoyment isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind. But my current plan is to go out for an hour, or two, and then rest for several days after. It's hard! However, focusing on the moments that are good, helps, and trying to take life exactly how it is + keep faith things will get better is where I'm currently at. Here's hoping this is the year I regain some semblance of health! 

Isn't Belcarra Park the loveliest?! It's such a vibe, and I feel ever grateful to live near the ocean. The area also has the most gorgeous walking trails, there are five in total, and range from 3 - 6 miles. Hopefully when I feel stronger, I'll be able to explore more and take you guys with me. Of course! The last time I visited Belcarra was this past summer when I met up with my parents for a socially distanced picnic. We chomped, chatted & sipped wine. Can't wait to do more of that come spring & summer! 

Outfit wise, I kept it pretty simple. Because honestly, who the heck is dressing up these days?! My coat is from Old Navy and still available in the prettiest Hunter Green. My Hunter Boots are my fave go-to this time of year, and I noticed the dark blue ones are 40% off right now - such a good deal! I also did a little bit of online shopping this past weekend and bought the cutest chunky pom-pom beanie from Madewell + I bought their three-pack pleated adjustable face masks. I've been wearing surgical ones up until now, but since masks are now mandatory, and here to stay, I thought I'd splurge and get more stylish ones. I've heard rave reviews about the Madewell ones - so I can't wait to try them! Ok, that's it for now, friends. Hope to be back soon! xo


  1. Sooo pretty. I miss living by the Ocean. I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Here's hoping this year will be better for you V.

  2. Ah Belcarra. Although I was never really that into going out in the cloudy damp of winter, in hindsight, it does seem preferable to not being able to go out at all because the temperatures are so frigid! We've had an unseasonably warm winter but it's freezing cold this week so these photos have me feeling a bit envious, I admit. Here's hoping you get to go on a few more COVID-safe outings in the near-ish future so I can live vicariously through you while waiting for spring to arrive ;) Can't wait for our Skype cat on Friday!

  3. Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.
