Each year, I tend to set lofty goals for my personal, and professional life. However, this year... I'm ready to slow down & hone in on what's most important to me, and truly discover what fills my cup. It's easy to look to others and feel like we "should" do this, or that, but I've come to realize that happiness & personal goals are an individual thing. And while we can look to others for inspiration, our path will ultimately be unique, and very much our own. With that said, here's what I'm working on for 2022!
CREATE A MORNING ROUTINE I LOVE - Currently, I don't love my morning routine. I'd like to make time for meditation, yoga, a hot shower, and then get dressed for my day. I feel like it will help with both my productivity, and overall well being. I'd love to know - do you currently have a set morning routine? Or do you just wing it...
WORK ON MY BLOG EACH DAY - I'd love to commit 30 minutes of each day to my blog & new Instagram account A City Farmhouse. While my blog used to be a large part of my income, now I'd love to treat it more as a personal journal / passion project. However, should that bring a little side income in the future?... I would not say no. But that's definitely not my focus anymore.
INTENTIONAL EATING - I've become a little more calorie conscious in the past year and I've had a hard time not calorie counting, and I honestly don't love it. So, I'd like to switch over to a more intentional eating mindset. The goal is to listen to my body and eat what I'm craving. Some nights that might be a light salad with scallops, or a gluten free pasta dish. Basically, I'd like to be less stuck in my ways.
SLEEP - Once we're settled in our new home (eeep, still can't believe we're moving!) - I'm eager to work on my sleep hygiene. I'd love to go to bed early, take an epsom salt bath, read & drink my sleepy time tea. Haha, I sound like such an old lady. But totally here for it! ;)
DAILY WALKS - My family doctor mentioned she's started going on daily walks before work and it's helped with her energy significantly. I loved hearing that because I've been feeling so tired & drained lately. So, I'd love to start doing the same + what better way to explore our new town & neighbourhood than going on a daily morning walk. Really excited for this one, and better health overall!
What are your goals/intentions for 2022, friends?!